It is always fun for me to look around at a few new foods at the grocery store. Right now, groceries as well as restaurant menus are sporting a food that you might be unfamiliar with…..quinoa, pronounced ‘keenwa’. Just what is quinoa? It is not a grain, but an edible seed. It is not a […]
Can Eating Heart Smart Also Protect Your Bones?
Does eating smart for your heart also help build strong bones? New research says, yes. Many foods and nutrients that protect against heart disease also affect bone mineral density and fracture risk. In a recent study from Tufts University, a link was seen between heart-healthy living and bone health. Using the 2006 American Heart Association […]
Foods for Better Health
Maintaining good health can be challenging when it seems like there are so many obstacles and temptations in our way. The following choices can help you improve your health on a daily basis. TAKE A WALK. 30 minutes of physical activity each day can help prevent weight gain and relieve stress. AN APPLE A DAY. […]
A Happier, Healthier Love
After we make our New Year’s resolutions and are just starting the new habits of better nutritional and physical activity, Valentine’s Day is lurking around the corner. If you ask children what they love about Valentine’s Day, the most common answer is “candy”. If you ask adults you will often receive the same answer! Indulge […]
Make One Small Change for Your Health!
Most of us know that we need to move more and eat more vegetables and fruits. We know that our stress levels are too high and we need to find some balance in our lives. Take time this winter to reflect on the changes you can make right now. Consider these easy (or relatively easy) changes: […]
Let’s Celebrate!
The 100-year signing anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act which officially created the national Cooperative Extension System, will take place in 2014. Extension offices across country are planning celebrations this year to highlight our past and focus on the current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. This has […]