This series is authored by Jamie Seger, Ohio State University Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Program Assistant. I love this time of the year! Spring is full of new beginnings, the color GREEN, and that wonderful sense of “hey, it’s time to get out there and get your hands in the dirt again!” For me, […]
Mind and Body
Be Sun Safe
Hopefully, you are enjoying the nicer, sunny weather and taking precautions to protect yourself from skin cancer. Although it isn’t summer yet, we need to protect our skin from the sun to prevent skin cancer in the future. Most of us get too much sun because we don’t take precautions. That’s why we are seeing […]
Making Your List Work for You
Where does time go? Do you ever feel like the more you do, the more there is to do and the list is never ending? In searching for some resources to help as our work environment has changed, I found some tips from John Maxwell, author of “Make Today Count”. He makes good arguments for […]
Random Acts of Fitness…
Ever heard the saying “random acts of kindness?” What if we changed that a little to accommodate New Years Resolutions and begin doing “Random Acts of Fitness” for ourselves! It’s that time of year again when so many Americans set health and wellness goals. Some goals include losing weight or exercising more or simply eating […]
Going Up?
On rainy dreary days like last week, it’s really hard for me to be upbeat, positive and energetic. I have a feeling that many of you may be able to sympathize with me or at least understand where I’m coming from. On the board above my desk I have a copy of the “mood elevator” […]
The Economics of Poor Health
The Economics of Poor Health Most people sincerely want to do better when it comes to diet, exercise, and wellness. But you are not the only one interested in your health. Others who have a vested interest in you (and your lifestyle choices) are your employers and the government, because health care costs have skyrocketed […]