Winter Wake Up steps
As human beings, we all experience emotions such as sadness or grief. There are days when we feel down and other days when we feel on top of the world. It is important to note that there are differences between feeling the emotions of sadness or grief and experiencing the Winter Blues or having a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or Depression. SAD is a type of depression that’s related to changes in the seasons. If you think you have SAD or depression, please discuss your symptoms with a doctor or mental health professional.
The Winter Blues are connected to seasonal changes and less exposure to light. Although related to SAD, the Winter Blues symptoms are less severe and may not necessitate professional treatment. If what you are experiencing is more complex than the winter blues, please bring it up to your doctor or counselor. The following recommendations here will focus on preventative actions that individuals can plan to help curb or minimize the Winter Blues.
Light. One challenge during the wintertime, especially in Ohio is that we do not get as much exposure to natural light during the day compared to other times of the year such as springtime or summertime. This winter, bundle up and get outside to experience the sunshine! It’s good to get out on sunny days as well as gray days when the weather cooperates. There are additional ways to light up the wintertime. Inside, open blinds and curtains. If you’re doing any home improvements, choose light and bright paint colors. Use brighter light bulbs or consider a light therapy box.

Movement. For those who have a regular outdoor exercise routine, winter weather can thwart the best made plans. For days and evenings when it’s too cold, icy or dark to exercise outside, have your indoor options ready! Try indoor walks, chair exercises or blast the upbeat music for a dance party.
People. Connect with others. This benefits not only you, but also other people. Make plans with friends to meet in person or on the phone. Send a text message, email or note/card to let others know you’re thinking of them. Join a new group or volunteer for other people. Let close family and friends know about your Winter Blues. Some people purposely plan many events with others during this time to make sure they get out and socialize. Let them know how to best encourage and support you.
Nourishment. Often, when I think of “comfort foods” I think of sweets and desserts. Others might crave salty, crunchy foods. In fact, one symptom of SAD can be a craving for sugary or starchy foods. With a little planning, our food can offer comfort as well as daily nutrients. While sweet and salty foods can play a small role in our food choices, take some time to identity, and list your favorite whole grains, nuts or seeds, fruits, and vegetables. From that list make sure you have these comfort foods available to enjoy at mealtime or for a healthy snack during the day.

Warmth and Comfort. This slower, colder time of year invites opportunities to rest and relax. Where’s your favorite blanket or soft scarf? What is your favorite warm drink? Have these winter supplies ready for warmth and comfort. Although this is not the same as the previous recommendation of increasing natural light exposure, this is a good time of year to enjoy the coziness of low lights, candlelight, and holiday lights. In the midst of the cold, gray weather, search out and create simple ways to relax.
Decide now how to off-set the possibility of Winter Blues. I can’t control the sunlight or the weather, but I can plan now to make the most of this season.