Did you know that Heart Disease is the number one killer in the United States? Preventing heart disease is the campaign of “Million Hearts.” The goal is to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over the next few years. What can you do to prevent heart attacks? Million Hearts has examined the research and […]
Mind and Body
Stay Healthy by Avoiding Long Periods of Sitting
I posted this before Valentine’s day on the Live Healthy Live Well facebook page and as I am writing this I have just realized that I have been sitting at my desk for a couple of hours! Sitting is indeed extremely detrimental to health and research suggesst that long periods of sitting may be a higher risk […]
Being Storm Ready
As any Ohio resident can tell you, the weather here is not always predictable. The week can begin Monday at 60 degrees and sunny and quickly drop to 10 degrees with blizzard conditions by Thursday. With this in mind, it is very important to be aware of the weather and the potential for weather related […]
Less Stress Holidays
In our household, between the end of November and the beginning of January not only do we celebrate the national holidays like Thanksgiving and New Years’ we also celebrate five family birthdays! As nice as it is to spend time with family and celebrate all these milestones, it adds a lot of extra planning, shopping […]
Caution: Germs and Fair
Do I need to take special caution when visiting petting zoos, zoos, or county fairs? Visits to petting zoos and county fairs provide a fun experience for children and adults. Eating, drinking or simply bringing food into an animal-holding area can increase your risk of foodborne illness. In fact, people who eat or drink in areas […]
Boot Camp, Core Training, Spinning, or Zumba – Which Should I Try?
There are increasingly more and more options available when you look at the fitness classes or exercise programs offered at your local fitness center, YMCA, Community Center, or Community Campus. Many of these programs are also offered through on-line programs or even as TV games – but without some of the benefits of an in-person […]