If you participate in the annual beggar’s night festivities, you might find yourself stuck at the store debating over which candy will be the big hit among trick-or-treaters this year. Is it the chocolate candy? Is it fruit-flavored candy? Or maybe it is both? Trying to pick candy can be stressful. Although candy tastes good, […]
Safe Sleeping for Baby
Why is there a need to talk about safe sleep for babies? In 2012 there were 1,047 deaths of infants in Ohio. Per every 1,000 live births there were 6.37 deaths of white babies and 13.93 deaths of black babies. This shows a huge disparity where black babies die twice as often during their first […]
Zero Waste Movement
One of the side benefits to spending less money is a reduction of waste. Every time you make a decision to reuse or recycle something, you not only save $$, you also keep that “something” from going to the landfill. A national movement promoting waste reduction is called the Zero Waste Movement. The concept of […]
Fall, Fairs, Festivals & Food Safety
Now that fall season is here, communities are offering hayrides, pumpkin picking, fall festivals, craft shows, and more. When thinking about these fall activities, many people start to crave iconic fall festival food, such as apple pies, hot spiced cider, and pumpkin flavored everything. I love going to these fall festivals and enjoying the treats, […]
Crazy For Cruciferous Vegetables
Even though the harvest from our garden and/or the farmer’s market is slowly coming to a close, we still need to find a way to get in our daily serving of vegetables. Fall, by necessity, requires a shift in thinking about how we shop, prepare, and cook for the cooler months. Like me, many of […]
Crisis Mode
If you have ever spent any time in your life in a crisis situation, you know the feelings of stress, anxiety, panic and hopelessness that come with it. Crises come in many forms and can hit anyone at any point in his or her life. I spent a few weeks in crisis recently when my […]