The beauty of fall just makes me smile…..and then I look at the “to do” list and I just sigh. How is it in today’s world of technology that is so helpful that I never get to the end of the to-do list?? I went back to some of the time management principles I’ve learned […]
September is High Blood Cholesterol Month Find Out Your Numbers!
Nearly 30 years ago, within a 7 year time span, both of my parents died of cardiovascular disease. I was a young woman in her mid-twenties and they were in their early fifties. My father had high blood pressure, needed to lose weight and to stop smoking. Their lifestyles weren’t health oriented. They started smoking […]
Eat Together
For over a decade CASA Columbia has been promoting the benefits of frequent dinners by celebrating Family Day on the third Monday of September. The family dinner table (or breakfast or lunch) offers a great opportunity for parental engagement on a daily basis. Research that shows youth who eat regular meals with their families are […]
See the Cookie, Want the Cookie!
Are you attracted to food when you see it? Most of us tend to get hunger when we view food pictures we like. Researchers at the University of South California (USC) found that our brain centers of appetite and reward are triggered by viewing pictures of food, especially high-fat foods. From past studies we know […]
Preserving Peppers
Hot peppers, sweet peppers or jalapeno peppers — whatever the variety, they are currently in season. You can harvest and store peppers in the refrigerator safely for about 2 weeks. If you want to keep them longer you can try your hand at preserving them. Freeze sweet peppers by washing, removing stems and seeds. Chop […]
Make someone happy, Smile
When we think of acts of kindness, they can be very simple things like holding the door for someone or letting them go ahead of you in line at the store. But they can also be things that take time, energy and effort to plan and execute, but ultimately, they make us smile. According to […]