For years you have heard that you should only eat 2-3 eggs a week as they were so high in cholesterol and likely to raise your blood cholesterol. Is it true or false? Well, recently the USDA checked out the egg and its cholesterol content and lowered the amount from 215 to 185 milligrams. They […]
What Caregivers Need to Know
WHAT CAREGIVERS NEED TO KNOW Are you providing care to someone who has ongoing health challenges? If so you are not alone. According to The National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, 29% of adults in the United States have cared for a loved one or friend who was ill, disabled, or aging. This percentage accounts […]
Tired of Being Broke?
Maybe it is time to try what many Americans are trying…an all cash diet. Maybe living with credit cards has created problems that are just as hard as trying to keep a little cash in your wallet. Want to know how to go about it? Begin with an estimation of how much money comes into […]
Listen to your mom.. Eat your fruits and veggies!
While many of us know the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, few of us actually consume the daily recommendation. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 76% of adults do not meet fruit recommendations of 1.5-2 cups per day. Additionally, 87% do not meet vegetable recommendations of 2-3 cups […]
Opportunities to Help Get IN a Career and OUT of Debt
Recently while talking to a group of 8th grade students about the cost of college I got the same wide eyed expression and comments of disbelief. There is no denying that the cost of attending a four year university is expressive. The cost, of course, depends on the school, length of program, type of institution, […]
Veggie Chips – Healthy and Delicious!
If you’re a fan of the crisp vegetable chips that have been featured in the high-end grocery stores, there’s good news. Now you can make your own snack chips for a fraction of the cost. These homemade versions are also trans fat-free and contain lower amounts of sodium than conventional versions found in supermarkets. Here’s a primer […]