If you like working in your yard or garden, you’ll likely make sure you are using the right equipment for the task. Although gadgets might be helpful, it still takes physical labor to do most of the work. Keep these points (from Kent McGuire – Ohio AgrAbility Program Coordinator, OSU Extension) in mind to prevent injury or […]
Mind and Body
Staying Hydrated for Physical Activity
Making wise choices when deciding what to eat and drink before, during and after physical activity is important. Water is always the best choice. If you choose a different beverage, choose a drink with no more than 50-80 calories per 8-ounce serving. To stay hydrated, your body needs about two quarts of liquid a day. […]
Let’s Think Positive
Feeling surrounded by negative news, negative people, negative everything? Then look at life through a fresh set of eyes. We are also surrounded by positive news, although sometimes that negative stuff gets in the way. Here are some positive trends happening right now: *We are safer. Murders, robberies, rapes and assaults in the U.S. were […]
Move More and Eat Less!
Why not take the pledge today? By making just 2 small daily changes you can start on the road to improving your health! Take 2,000 more steps over baseline–about 1 mile–and eat 100 fewer calories– by eating smarter. Walking is a daily activity that most people can do. And it requires no special equipment other than […]
Choose it! Use it!
OSU Extension has a new program geared specifically to kids and is bringing it to schools, churches, after-school programs and other organizations across the state this fall and winter. It comes complete with a series of video-recorded motivational messages including this one by Buckeye football players Jamie Wood, Jake Stoneburner and DeVier Posey. Contact your […]
Changing Behavior: How Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick?
Behavior happens because it is something we have done over and over, i. e. it is a habit, OR it is something that we do because we have a reason for doing it. Changing behavior, therefore, requires different strategies for these different types of behavior. Researchers have studied intentional and habitual behavior and have some […]