A new year provides a time for us to reflect upon the past and plan for the future. You don’t have to wait for a new year to plan for the future. Throughout the year reflect on the goal you set earlier. But don’t get so caught up in the past that you forget to […]
Mind and Body
Ways to Win during March Madness Month – Practice Stress Management
Check out these Elite 8 Tips for Stress Management Our lives are busy – sometimes too busy. We all have demands – perhaps they are from work, family, extended family, school and more. Many of us feel stressed and on overload. Do you ever find it is hard to find the balance between work, family […]
Spilt Milk – To Cry or Not to Cry
As a child, I remember one night when I had a hard time falling asleep. My mom had me lay on my back and she talked me through a relaxation exercise of resting my muscles. It ended with me closing my eyes and picturing myself floating on a cloud. In college, I took yoga classes […]
Test Anxiety!
This time of year students face a multitude of standardized tests. These tests are much longer in duration than students are accustomed to, and can be tied to a range of outcomes such as leveled reading and math placement, graduation, college entrance, and scholarships for students and salary adjustment or job retention for teachers. According […]
I am an awesome…
I missed my 13 year old nephew’s playoff game last night. His team lost so he will not being playing for another season. When I realized this around 8:30 p.m., I started to get down on myself. I mean I thought I was doing so well in trying to keep up with his games; but […]
What “mindfulness” means to me
When I hear the word mindfulness, and think of the concept of mindfulness, it reminds me to SLOW down… to slow down my thoughts…to clear my mind…to slow down my breathing and to just take a moment … There…. “Ahhh”… a moment of peace. That moment of peace within myself allows me to focus on […]