Spring is a wonderful time of year, a time when things that looked brown or dead come to life. Everywhere you look there is color thanks to the spring showers and nature’s flower template. It’s also a time to enjoy a walk in the woods to look for the elusive sponge mushroom. Recently while visiting […]
What is Mindfulness?
You may have heard that term in recent health news and wonder what it is all about. Mindfulness means paying attention (being mind-ful) in three ways: on purpose, in-the-moment, and without judgment. • Paying attention on purpose means being intentional about how we notice our surroundings, our own bodily sensations, and interactions with other people. […]
Full Hands, Full Heart
Full Hands, Full Heart “You sure do have your hands full!” I heard this comment quite often from friends, family, and strangers when my twins were young. This statement was often accompanied by a comforting pat on the back as if they were feeling my pain. I would often respond with a polite smile […]
A Well Deserved Rest
Several years ago, I began on my journey towards increased mindfulness along with a small group of Extension colleagues. Maryanna Klatt, an associate professor at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, instructed my class on mindfulness and stress reduction. I went in with an open mind expecting to learn methods to reduce my stress […]
Ways to Win during March Madness Month – Practice Stress Management
Check out these Elite 8 Tips for Stress Management Our lives are busy – sometimes too busy. We all have demands – perhaps they are from work, family, extended family, school and more. Many of us feel stressed and on overload. Do you ever find it is hard to find the balance between work, family […]
Spilt Milk – To Cry or Not to Cry
As a child, I remember one night when I had a hard time falling asleep. My mom had me lay on my back and she talked me through a relaxation exercise of resting my muscles. It ended with me closing my eyes and picturing myself floating on a cloud. In college, I took yoga classes […]