We all want the same thing, whether our relationship has just begun or we’ve been married for years: We want a healthy, mutually-satisfying relationship with the one we love. (Better Marriages) We know from research and others’ example that this does not happen by chance; loving one’s partner is a choice. In order to last […]
Keeping Your Fresh Produce Food Safety
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 9 million people every year have a foodborne illness caused by a known pathogen. Approximately 46% of those illnesses, or 4.14 million, are attributed to fruits and vegetables. This information can be frustrating in light of the known benefits of eating a wide variety […]
Are there Connections between Stress and Your Heart Health?
Feeling Stressed? If so, you may feel aches and pains, feel your life is out of control, experience anger or feel depressed. February is National Heart Health Month. Let’s explore some signs that may indicate that you are stressed. Do you overeat? Do you drink too much alcohol? Do you feel jittery? Are you […]
Did You Forget Something This Morning?
Each morning before I leave for work I run through my mental checklist: Did I pack my lunch? Did I feed the cat? Do I have my phone? Did I shut that window? Sometimes the questions on my mental checklist are silly, sometimes they are serious. In either case, they are helpful and remind me […]
Debt and Decisions
A good question to ask about debt is…..how much is too much? Consider a debt to income ratio to guide you. If you rent your home, you can figure that your total debt load should be no more than 20%. So, as you are putting a pencil to paper, write down your total income for […]
Do You “Need” to Eat or Do You NEED to Eat?
I was talking with a co-worker last week about different strategies he’s tried to lose weight. One thing he brought up (which made me beam with excitement!) was that he doesn’t like trying fad diets. Instead, he realizes that he needs to change his eating behavior and overall eating pattern to enjoy long-term, sustained weight […]