A couple of warm days and I’m reminded that spring is one day closer! Another sure sign is when you look at gardening displays in the stores and seed catalogs appear in your mailbox. There’s something about working in the dirt after a day in the office that eases the tension between the shoulders and […]
Just In Time Parenting
Are you a parent or an expecting parent? Consider signing up for Just In Time Parenting eNewsletter. Just in Time Parenting will send you free parenting newsletters by e-mail – monthly during your child’s first 12 months, then every other month from ages 1 through 5. [click here for samples] You can subscribe for up to […]
Changing Behavior: How Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick?
Behavior happens because it is something we have done over and over, i. e. it is a habit, OR it is something that we do because we have a reason for doing it. Changing behavior, therefore, requires different strategies for these different types of behavior. Researchers have studied intentional and habitual behavior and have some […]
Traditions to Treasure
It’s about now that many of us are taking a look at our lists, and checking them twice. How are we ever going to get everything done so that we meet the expectations and not work around the clock? If you really want to know what is important, ask the children what things they look […]
Have a Debt Free Holiday!
If you are like a lot of Americans, January is the worst month for you. This is the time that all the credit card bills come in the mail for all the presents you bought in December. The glow of the holidays has worn off, all the presents have been opened and used and the […]
Eat Better, Save Time and Stretch Food Dollars
It may be hard to eat healthy if you do not have time to cook or your children want fast food. Try the following tips to eat better, save time, and stretch your food budget. Eat breakfast everyday. Try a whole-grain cereal like raisin bran with skim or 1% milk. Or, whole-wheat toast spread with […]