What do you do when your teen brings home a “C” on a test or report card? Do you feel pressure to make sure your child is in on the honor roll and in all the “right” classes? Often times in parenting, especially through the teenage years, it is easy for parents to get overwhelmed […]
Safe Summer Grilling – eXtension
It’s the season for graduations, family reunions, and many other outdoor activities. Check out the link below for information on keeping your food safe while cooking outdoors. Safe Summer Grilling – eXtension.
Graduation is just the beginning…..
Certain milestones in life are memorable. Finishing school is one of them and whether you are off to college or out working on your own, a certain amount of celebration is deserved. Just think about it, a time where there will be no one to tell you to get up and go to class or […]
Childhood Obesity Begins at Pregnancy
When is it appropriate to worry about your child’s risk for obesity? During adolescence? Or toddler years? Or when solid foods are introduced? First Lady Michelle Obama, released a report from an expert panel today that says awareness should begin with pregnancy. A woman’s weight before she becomes pregnant and her weight gain during pregnancy are two of […]
They Add Up Fast: Calculate Your Small Repeated Expenses
The small repeated expenses are the “budget busters” for many people. It can be hard to know the impact of these small items on your overall expense picture without adding them up. The eXtension Financial Security for All web site features a new calculator for estimating the annual cost of small repeated expenses. Go to […]
Exercise? But he’s only a baby.
In the early years of life it may seem hard to bond or play with your baby. They are so little and fragile. While children in their first year, especially those first three months, are focused primarily on eating and growing, there is a lot of developing going on during this time. Babies are learning […]