This series is authored by Jamie Seger, Ohio State University Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Program Assistant. I love this time of the year! Spring is full of new beginnings, the color GREEN, and that wonderful sense of “hey, it’s time to get out there and get your hands in the dirt again!” For me, […]
Are You Supplement Savvy?
We take vitamins and supplements for many reasons – to strengthen our bones, boost our immunity, and protect our overall health. And although 74 percent of American women take supplements for health reasons, a study published in October of 2011 suggested that many supplements may be a waste of money or even harmful to their health. Although […]
Outdoor Grilling – Think Safety!
The weather has been nice enough lately to clean up the grill and move outdoors for a meal. Keep in mind some simple steps to keep you and your family safe from foodborne illness: CLEAN – Wash hands and surfaces often. SEPARATE – Don’t cross-contaminate. Keep raw meat and poultry apart from cooked foods. COOK […]
Quick Tips to Add Fruits and Veggies
March is National Nutrition Month and a great time to add more fruits and vegetables to your plate. You know that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for you but sometimes difficult in our fast-paced lives. Here are some tips to add more fruits and vegetables to your day. Start your […]
Five Easy Ways to Eat Family Meals at Home
Typically in mid-March everyone eagerly waits for peaks of spring, which is just around the corner at this time of the year. But with the warm winter most of the country has been experiencing so far in 2012, many people feel that spring has already arrived! Of course, this wonderful season brings along with it […]
Mango – a Popular Fruit
This year’s Nutrition Month theme is “Get Your Plate in Shape.” That means making good nutrition choices which includes filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are relatively low in calories and are associated with the reduced risk of chronic disease. As you grocery shop each week, try to choose one […]