Do you ever have a friend that acts a little salty? Maybe it is because they eat too much salt! Okay, okay…enough with the corny jokes. In all reality, many Americans actually do consume too much sodium – even if they don’t act salty. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults and children […]
Is Sodium Sneaking Into Your Diet?
According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines, 89% of the U.S. population ages 1 year and older have a sodium intake above the daily recommendation. Males (14-70 years old) average about 4320mg of sodium per day. On the other hand, females (14-70 years old) average about 3042mg of sodium per day . These numbers are alarming, […]
Reducing Sodium
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend healthy American adults limit their total sodium to 2,300 mg daily. Individuals with chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease, should limit intake to 1,500 mg of sodium daily. These limits can be challenging as most American over consume sodium by 1,000 mg daily(PDF)Links to a PDF […]
Change Your Salty Ways
Are you a salt-a-holic? Do you find yourself salting your food before you even taste it? The American Heart Association recommends 1500 mg of sodium intake daily, but most of us have an intake of nearly double that (or more) on a daily basis. It’s time to start a healthier relationship with our food. You […]
Salt Matters
Most people think the culprit of their salt intake is the salt shaker in their kitchen. Not even close! But what food contributes the most to our sodium intake? Tell us your answer in our poll. Next week, we’ll see how you did. The Centers for Disease Control recently released, “Salt Matters: Preserving Choice, Protecting Health,” which […]
What’s Contributing to Your Salt Intake?
We eat a lot of salt in the US. In fact, data just published say only 1 in 10 adults met their recommendation for sodium intake. The average intake was 3,691 mg, well over the <2,300 mg recommendation set forth by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Too much salt may lead to high blood pressure, […]