Money management is an important skill to have and one that can have a deep impact on a relationship. Many studies have shown that disagreement over money is one of the top 3 reasons that couples state when separating or getting a divorce. Money is important to think about and deal with because it can […]
April is Financial Literacy Month!
We’re surrounded by money information. Turn on the TV or radio, pick up a newspaper or magazine, search the web or look at social media sites…information is everywhere. How do we know what is credible and worth our attention? Where are we on our path to financial wellness? Looking for information on line? Start with […]
Financial Stratego: Playing the $$ Game
“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it.” ~ Horace Mann Have you ever taken time to really think about how you make decisions? Many of our choices seem to be made on automatic pilot. From food to finances to family dynamics, we tend to react […]
Money Matters in Relationships
According to a recent study released by the National Endowment for Financial Education three in 10 Americans say they have lied to their partner about financial matters. This dishonesty can range from lying about small purchases to having secret bank accounts. However little or small, financial matters are of critical importance to a relationship. Taking […]
Win the “Snowball” Fight with Creditors
In January we often think more seriously about reducing our debt as we recover from holiday buying, make plans for the New Year, and think about paying taxes. For people who owe multiple creditors, it can be challenging to keep up with the payments. Sometimes there is not enough cash to pay all of them […]
Changing Behavior: How Do We Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick?
Behavior happens because it is something we have done over and over, i. e. it is a habit, OR it is something that we do because we have a reason for doing it. Changing behavior, therefore, requires different strategies for these different types of behavior. Researchers have studied intentional and habitual behavior and have some […]