I have a 12 x 12 plot of ground close to my patio that serves as a kitchen garden, or as the French call it a “potager” (sounds classier, doesn’t it?). We could learn a lot from the French, as roughly one-fourth of the fruits and vegetables they consume are home-grown. A kitchen garden/potager consists […]
Ooh La La: Putting in a “Potager”
WRITTEN BY: Donna Green, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Erie County
REVIEWED BY: Candace J. Heer, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Morrow County
- https://www.google.com/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=potager&tbs=sur:fc#imgrc=1jMlWVsTBlivIM:&spf=1550672940350
- https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/newsletters/hortupdate/2010/may/potager.html
- https://www.bbg.org/gardening/article/potager
- http://www.womenwhofarm.com/potager-gardens-have-been-around-for-centuries-and-continue-the-old-traditions-of-growing/