Seems like people are always coming up with new and interesting ways to cook food. Then they tell everyone on the internet how to do it. This week the latest craze is eggs. It seems that folks on Pinterest and Facebook are offering instructions on how to hard cook eggs in the oven. I actually […]
Spring Cleaning: Don’t Forget the Refrigerator
It’s that time of year, when the sun comes out and we are ready to rid us from the winter blahs and make it all fresh and clean! How long has it been since you cleaned the refrigerator? This is a food safety issue that sometimes we overlook. Following are a few tips to get […]
Spring is coming….
Only in Ohio can the weather go from snow and ice to sunny and warm in a 48 hour timeline. That tells me that spring is on its way and puts me in the mood to get started on spring cleaning. There are many products on the market, but you have several at home that […]
Student Loan Debt–Today’s Debtor Prison
Are you, a friend, or a family member struggling with student loans? Currently, there is about $945 billion in outstanding student loan debt in the U.S. That’s more than the total current national credit card debt. The amount some young adults have saddled themselves with is staggering; a staff member in our office graduated from […]
“Be One in a Million Hearts”
Did you know that Heart Disease is the number one killer in the United States? Preventing heart disease is the campaign of “Million Hearts.” The goal is to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over the next few years. What can you do to prevent heart attacks? Million Hearts has examined the research and […]
America Saves Week: Time to set a goal, make a plan, and save automatically!
It’s time to celebrate America Saves Week 2013! This year, celebrate in style by following the steps of the Saves Week theme: Set a goal. Make a plan. Save automatically. This is more than just a theme – it is a recipe for success, because these steps can help you reach your goals. Making good financial decisions has […]