Ohio State University Extension’s Family & Consumer Science Educators are teaching a new program to help fight Childhood Obesity. The Choose It! Use It! program helps students look at healthy food choices. Can you choose the healthier of the 2 choices in each pair below? Apple Juice or An Apple Baked Potato or Potato Chips […]
Mind and Body
Americans Concerned About Their Weight:
Americans Concerned About Their Weight:. Check out this article.
Childhood Obesity Begins at Pregnancy
When is it appropriate to worry about your child’s risk for obesity? During adolescence? Or toddler years? Or when solid foods are introduced? First Lady Michelle Obama, released a report from an expert panel today that says awareness should begin with pregnancy. A woman’s weight before she becomes pregnant and her weight gain during pregnancy are two of […]
Energy Balance
ENERGY is another word for calories. Whenever you eat or drink, ENERGY is coming IN. Your body is also constantly working, so ENERGY is going OUT. BALANCE is when the same amount of energy is going IN as is going OUT. Weight Gain = more IN than OUT Weight Loss = more OUT than IN […]
Maintain–Don’t Gain During the Holiday Season
During the holiday season – from Thanksgiving through the first of the year – you may have many temptations to overeat. For your health and the health of your family, try to maintain your weight. Here are some tips: Have plenty of fresh cut-up vegetables with low-fat dips on hand. They are high in […]
Using Physical Activity to Prevent the Flu
Flu season has started — and with the rates of the H1N1 virus increasing, people are looking for ways to boost their immunity. Scientists have been examining the association between exercise and immunity for several decades. Their theory so far is what they call a “J-shaped curve” for exericse and immunity. The risk of catching a […]