It’s summertime in Ohio and who doesn’t enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables from the local farm market? Fresh fruits and vegetables are both nutritious and delicious. According to recommendations from, we should make ½ of our plate at every meal fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. So, why not use fruits and vegetables that […]
Beware the Temptation of One More Bite
Many of you have read or are aware of the Laura Numeroff book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”. Once the mouse tastes the cookie he will want a glass of milk, then he will need a napkin, and the story goes on and on until he needs another cookie and the cycle never […]
Ice, Ice, Safety
(Sorry, that was a little bit corny!) Do you ever think of ice as a food product? We often think of ice as a way to keep food cold or to cool food down . . . but that ice in your water, soda or tea and the ice some people like to crunch on […]
“Are We There Yet?”
As summer vacations will soon be underway, the echo of this statement from the backseat will fill our ears. For my brother and I, a trip to grandma and grandpa’s meant a long trip to Northern Wisconsin. There were only two ways to get there by car from our home in Northern Indiana. We could […]
Know before you Can!
Do you know the difference between a water bath canning process and pressure canning process? If you are planning on canning as a way of preserving food this year, do your homework and find out the safe ways to process your food. Start by checking out the safe, reliable resources available from the National Center […]
Tips, tricks and insiders of the grocery store
Grocery shopping is something we all have to do, and sometimes the temptations of processed, unhealthy foods draw us in. With this temptation it’s easy to spend a little bit more money than planned, so what can you do to keep your health and finance on track when it comes to going grocery shopping? There […]