Red meat, although high in iron and many other nutrients, is a significant source of saturated fat, the fat linked to heart disease. The reality is that all beef has a combination of fats. Grass-fed beef may have a nutritional advantage with an improved ratio of heart-healthy fats compared to grain-fed beef. The Nutrition Journal reviewed […]
Childhood obesity: What’s Parenting Got to Do With It?
Childhood obesity has been in the news a lot recently, as First Lady Michelle Obama takes it on as her signature issue. This is indeed a problem as we have seen a steady rise over the past years. Consider these stats from the Center for Disease Control: “Data from NHANES surveys (1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that the […]
Who pays attention to nutrition labels?
College students — according to a study by Ohio State University Extension’s Dr. Gail Kaye. The findings published this month in the American Journal of Public Health suggest posting labels at the point of food selection change behavior. The average energy (calorie) content of entrees purchased by patrons dropped immediately when nutrition labels were made available and […]
Is My Food Safe?
Unsure about the correct temperature to cook chicken? Or the safety of the eggs you left sitting out on the counter last night? Call on the expertise of Ohio State’s Food Safety Hotline at 1-800-752-2751 (toll-free in Ohio) or email at Questions e-mailed to the address will automatically go to the trained students answering hotline […]
Feeding Your Family — Fiber Boost
This weekend my cousin asked about high fiber foods to feed her toddler. Maintaining fiber in her toddler’s diet prevents constipation. Her daughter eats many fresh, raw fruits and most cooked vegetables. Apples, oranges, pears, bananas, berries, green peas, split peas, lentils, avocados, sweet potatoes, and artichokes are great choices. But my cousin was searching for […]
Summer Produce
In the summer, everything comes in full bloom. It’s the season to enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables. They are inexpensive, at their peak of flavor, and rich in fiber and nutrients. Find them at your local grocery store, farm market, or roadside stand. Choose: • Broccoli and green beans that are bright green and firm. […]