How long has consumer credit been available? It is a rather modern concept and I still hear my mother-in-law talking about signing off for groceries at the mining store and waiting to pay the bill until the next paycheck arrived. Today, many consumers would be hard pressed to obtain a new vehicle if they didn’t […]
Win the “Snowball” Fight with Creditors
In January we often think more seriously about reducing our debt as we recover from holiday buying, make plans for the New Year, and think about paying taxes. For people who owe multiple creditors, it can be challenging to keep up with the payments. Sometimes there is not enough cash to pay all of them […]
Daily Updates on Money
Barbara O’Neill, personal finance expert from Rutgers University offers a daily update on money topics via her Twitter account. Check it out:
Watch for Money Management Programs on PBS
I wanted to alert you to two programs on money management that will air on Public Broadcasting TV stations. Look for them on your local station. They should be showing Wednesday, September 9th at 8 PM and 9 PM EDT. See the descriptions below: “Families Stand Together: Feeling Secure in Tough Times” features brief documentaries […]