Do you ever have a friend that acts a little salty? Maybe it is because they eat too much salt! Okay, okay…enough with the corny jokes. In all reality, many Americans actually do consume too much sodium – even if they don’t act salty. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults and children […]
Keeping Tradition
The warmth of summer brings back memories from some of the best times spent with my family as a child. The smell of cut grass or a barbecue can conjure vivid images of playing softball, catching fireflies, and making chalk murals on the driveway with my sister. With these memories comes a sense of longing […]
Nature Deficit Disorder
That phrase was coined by author Richard Louv in his book “Last Child in the Woods” to describe the phenomena of children and youth becoming disconnected from nature. Adults can certainly suffer from nature deficit disorder, but chances are, most adults spent more time outside as children than our kids do today. Research is linking […]
Making the New Dietary Guidelines a Part of Your Life: Dairy
The New Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 was released this year. You may ask, “So what does that mean for me?” Find out in this 3rd post, reviewing the Guideline’s Key Recommendations and how to use them in everyday life! Today, we’re going to cover the Guideline’s dairy recommendations, but don’t forget to check out the past posts […]
4 Steps to Safely Preserving Food at Home
Food preservation season is now in full swing. I’m hearing about a lot of families making strawberry jam and freezing fresh berries, freezing rhubarb and getting ready for those peas and green beans to start coming on. Before preserving any food, consider the types of foods your family enjoys and the usefulness of the preserved […]
Green²: Frugality Buys You Two for One
Today, many of our efforts to use and consume less start with a goal of saving money. But whatever your initial reason for trying to do more with less, you’ve probably come to realize that frugality and conservation are joined at the hip. Frugality as a money choice means that you try to get the […]