“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it.” ~ Horace Mann Have you ever taken time to really think about how you make decisions? Many of our choices seem to be made on automatic pilot. From food to finances to family dynamics, we tend to react […]
Money Matters in Relationships
According to a recent study released by the National Endowment for Financial Education three in 10 Americans say they have lied to their partner about financial matters. This dishonesty can range from lying about small purchases to having secret bank accounts. However little or small, financial matters are of critical importance to a relationship. Taking […]
The Importance of Breakfast
Did you ever stop to think about how long your body goes without food from the time you eat dinner until you have breakfast in the morning? It could be 10 or 11 hours. And if you skip breakfast, add another 4 or 5 hours. No wonder you get hungry. According to the Food Research […]
My wish list for spring
A couple of warm days and I’m reminded that spring is one day closer! Another sure sign is when you look at gardening displays in the stores and seed catalogs appear in your mailbox. There’s something about working in the dirt after a day in the office that eases the tension between the shoulders and […]
Just In Time Parenting
Are you a parent or an expecting parent? Consider signing up for Just In Time Parenting eNewsletter. Just in Time Parenting will send you free parenting newsletters by e-mail – monthly during your child’s first 12 months, then every other month from ages 1 through 5. [click here for samples] You can subscribe for up to […]
Win the “Snowball” Fight with Creditors
In January we often think more seriously about reducing our debt as we recover from holiday buying, make plans for the New Year, and think about paying taxes. For people who owe multiple creditors, it can be challenging to keep up with the payments. Sometimes there is not enough cash to pay all of them […]