I posted this before Valentine’s day on the Live Healthy Live Well facebook page and as I am writing this I have just realized that I have been sitting at my desk for a couple of hours! Sitting is indeed extremely detrimental to health and research suggesst that long periods of sitting may be a higher risk […]
Being Storm Ready
As any Ohio resident can tell you, the weather here is not always predictable. The week can begin Monday at 60 degrees and sunny and quickly drop to 10 degrees with blizzard conditions by Thursday. With this in mind, it is very important to be aware of the weather and the potential for weather related […]
The Magic of High School
Ah, the high school years. That brief window of four years that every pre-teen anxiously waits for and every parent dreads. A recent, fascinating article about the power of the high school experience for teens published in New York Magazine online combines much of what we know (and don’t know) about how adolescent brain development, […]
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Have you ever thought about your spending purchases from an ethical standpoint? I’m sure you’ve noticed the “Buy American” bumper sticker on the back of some people’s cars, but for the most part not too many people give daily consideration to where and how the products they buy are made. With us being a cog […]
Community Supported Agriculture
On these cold, blustery winter days are you thinking about fresh summer vegetables? Have you ever thought about joining a CSA? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and they are farms that offer opportunities to enjoy fresh, local produce during the growing season. CSAs are designed to promote a working relationship between the customer and […]
Set Some Financial Goals for the New Year.
Are you the resolving type? How are those New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Resolutions made in January have such a bad reputation, I’ve stopped attempting them. However, goals are important at all times of year – not just in January. No matter what you call them, it’s important to set aside time to review where […]