On my last trip to the grocery store the cashier asked “what exactly is this?” in reference to my favorite vegetable: kale. Kale is an amazing vegetable is starting to be recognized for its exceptional nutrient richness, health benefits, and delicious flavor. A leafy green, kale is available in several varieties. It belongs to the […]
What is that leafy green?
WRITTEN BY: Melissa Welker M.Ed., B.S., Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Fulton County, Maumee Valley EERA, welker.87@osu.edu
REVIEWED BY: Patrice Powers-Barker, CFLE, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Lucas County, Maumee Valley EERA, powers-barker.1@osu.edu
- www.webmd.com
- www.allrecipes.com
- www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org
- www.migarden.msu.edu