Many times it is easy to point out the problems or dysfunction in our own or someone else’s family. Even though it is easier to spot the problems we have, there has been a recent shift for families to focus on their family strengths. This may be easier said than done. Often times because families […]
Cook Up Holiday Goodness with Children
The holiday season is here and so is the time for home-baked goodness— from green bean casseroles to roasted turkeys to cranberry sauce. However, busy lives can make it difficult to cook homemade meals. In fact, research shows(PDF)Links to a PDF document. that busy schedules encourage parents to rely on pre-made food in place of home-cooked […]
I’m Grateful for . . . Our Military Members – Past, Present and Future
November is upon us and many of us think about “giving thanks” this month. At Thanksgiving, we often share what we are thankful for – perhaps we ask family members to share one thing they are grateful for, maybe we have a tree with cut-out leaves where we record our gratitude. Remembering and focusing on […]
Safe Sleeping for Baby
Why is there a need to talk about safe sleep for babies? In 2012 there were 1,047 deaths of infants in Ohio. Per every 1,000 live births there were 6.37 deaths of white babies and 13.93 deaths of black babies. This shows a huge disparity where black babies die twice as often during their first […]
The Common Experience Known as Loneliness
At one time or another throughout life we experience loneliness. Yes, feeling isolated or disconnected from others is not uncommon. Even though there might be people surrounding us, this painful feeling occurs to different people, for different reasons, at different degrees. Just to name a few times people might encounter loneliness, picture the freshman at […]
A Tale of Love and Money
I can remember being a little girl, sitting absolutely still and listening with an open heart to stories of how people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after. Really, it’s beautiful. But I’m here to ask why no one ever feels compelled to also mention that dating can be pretty financially draining. And […]