February is the month for taking control of your heart health. Our heart is the organ that pumps blood through our body to both supply needed nutrients and oxygen to create the fuel needed to live, work and play. The pumped blood also transports waste products that need to be eliminated. Our lives depend […]
Take Charge of Your HEART Health…because you’re one in a million
WRITTEN BY: Margaret Jenkins, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension
REVIEWED BY: Pat Brinkman, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension
- https://fcs.osu.edu/programs/major-program-areas/healthy-people/million-hearts
- https://clermont.osu.edu/program-areas/family-and-consumer-sciences/dining-diabetes
- http://www.clermonthealthdistrict.org/ClermontCANMain.aspx
- http://millonhearts.hhs.gov
- http://millionhearts.osu.edu
- https://www.odh.ohio.gov/-/media/ODH/ASSETS/Files/health/Chronic-Disease-Plan/CD-Burden-Final_Webv2.pdf?la=en