A spending plan or budget is something many of us prefer not to think about; it can be very scary to lay out your finances in black and white. If you don’t look at the numbers that say you’re out of balance, then you don’t have to think about the possibility that you are not […]
Birthday Party “Poop-Out”
Are we worn out yet from kids’ birthday parties? It seems like parents are either trying to plan the perfect birthday party “palooza” of all time for their kids or are running around every other week buying yet another expensive gift for someone else’s child. Are either of those scenarios hitting home for you right now […]
The “Simple” Life: Boomer Gimmick or Genuine Movement?
In case you weren’t aware, there has been an increase in the number of people interested in living more simply. This is not a result of the recession, although that may have been the springboard for a few of the more recent converts. The simplicity movement has been growing quietly over the last 20-30 […]
Money for Food
Food is the third largest expense in a budget, after housing and transportation. It stands to reason that spending less on food every week would free up some extra money for you. Yet, there’s a nutrition-related concern as consumers seek to shrink their grocery bill, states Roberta Duyff of the Canned Food Alliance. Currently, 81% […]
Want to Save Money this Vacation?
Summertime…… vacation time……… expensive time? It doesn’t have to be cost you a small fortune to go on vacation. Here are a few tips that will help you save money this vacation season. Have a “staycation” and stay at home. Visit the local special spots that you always plan to visit but may normally not […]
Emergency Funds: Vital Help in a Crisis
Many families have faced challenges with loss of income and/or extra expenses during this recession. Families are often called upon to help pay bills or provide necessities if they are not covering their own emergencies. So, the message about having a reserve fund of cash may not be a “hard sell” in these times. Coming […]