Red, Yellow or Green tomatoes come in many different sizes, shapes and colors, but when it comes to processing them, they are all treated the same. When you are making a particular recipe, look for the qualities that best fit your need. I’ve had several calls about making salsa, so here are a few tips […]
It’s an automatic process our bodies accomplish… our lungs fill with air upon inhale, then empty again through an exhale… about 12 to 20 breaths per minute, all day long. That adds up to 17,000-30,000 breaths per day — or more if you exercise. Each breath sends necessary oxygen to each of the body’s cells. […]
You won’t know if you like it until you try it!
“You won’t know if you like it until you try it.” These words of wisdom come from my 4-year old nephew. Whew! After he said this, I told him he should come work for me because this is one of the main messages we try to share with adults and youth through our nutrition education […]
Should I Contact My Mortgage Servicer?
What is a mortgage servicer and why should you contact them? Knowing the answers to the questions and understanding their role in your mortgage may be the key to avoiding or solving mortgage problems. Mortgage servicing companies are often hired by mortgage lenders to handle the day-to-day activities involved with mortgages. The lender and mortgage […]
Sports Drinks Vs. Water: How to Stay Hydrated in the Summer Months
Have you ever wondered whether you should be consuming water or sports drinks while exercising? During the summer, this always becomes a question as the temperature rises and our bodies produce more sweat. You don’t have to look very far to see ads highlighting the newest and best sports beverage. So are the ads true? […]
Addressing Student Loan Repayment
College is one of the most fulfilling and exciting experiences for many people. It is a time filled with challenging classes, friends and football games, and the endless quest for knowledge. After graduation, you feel like you could take on the world! That is until you receive notice that your student loans will soon be […]