What is foreclosure? Foreclosure is a process that many of us have heard and read about, especially with the bursting of the “housing bubble” and the economic downturn of 2008. Foreclosures remain an issue today in housing in America. This is the first blog in a four-part series that will come to you across 2015. […]
National Nutrition Month 2015 — How are you celebrating?
We have entered into March 2015. With the start of a new month, we can also find a wonderful reason to celebrate. March is National Nutrition Month as sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. National Nutrition Month is a time set aside to focus on healthful eating and other sound lifestyle habits. This […]
I am an awesome…
I missed my 13 year old nephew’s playoff game last night. His team lost so he will not being playing for another season. When I realized this around 8:30 p.m., I started to get down on myself. I mean I thought I was doing so well in trying to keep up with his games; but […]
Food Safety for the “Occasional Quantity Cook”
Are you an “Occasional Quantity Cook”? Are you the person who organizes the chili dinner at church, concessions for the school booster club, or even a huge family reunion? If you answered “yes” to one of more of those questions, then you are an “Occasional Quantity Cook”. While Occasional Quantity Cooks (or OQC) are typically […]
5 Easy Ways to Get Involved in Ohio Saves Week and Save Successfully
Ohio Saves, our local affiliate for the national America Saves campaign, is excited to participate in another Saves Week! Read more about this initiative and how you can get involved. Katie Bryan, America Saves Communications Director, brings the following information to you. America Saves Week, February 23 – 28, 2015 is a chance for individuals […]
Setting up young cooks for success
Some people are reluctant to give children full reign in the kitchen because kitchen tools and appliances can be very dangerous without proper safety skills and techniques. However, young cooks between the ages of 7-18 are learning to cook and many have shown to be capable of producing restaurant-quality food creations. They might even cook […]