The month of February is all about the heart, heart health, that is! Did you know 684,000 people in Ohio have coronary heart disease? Simple changes in you life can result in a healthier you and a healthier heart!
Being more physically active and eating a healthy diet are great steps towards a healthier heart. According to Harvard Medical School, walking can reduce the “risk of cardiovascular events by 31%” . However, you don’t need to join a gym or buy special equipment to make walking a part of your exercise routine.
It is simple to incorporate your walking routine into your daily life:
- Park a little further away from the store when you go shopping
- Take the stairs rather than the elevator
- Squeeze in a walk at lunch time
- Take your dog (or your neighbor’s dog) for a walk
- Bring in your groceries one bag at a time
- Join a walking group
- Play with your kids

Federal guidelines recommend adults should do at least 150 minutes or moderate-intensity aerobic activity throughout the week. When older adults are unable to do at least 150 minutes due to chronic illness, they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions allow. With just 150 minutes of walking each week, researchers have found not only a reduction of heart disease, but also a reduction in high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes and stronger bones and muscles, improved mood and improved balance and coordination. So what are you waiting for?