New year, new you? Think that requires drastic change? Here’s a reason not to adopt the latest diet outlawing your favorite food group. Changing habits is a gradual process of tweaking and making adjustments in behavior. It’s not something you can turn on like a light switch. So forgot about adopting rules will you will break before the end […]
Drinking fat
Next time you swig down that soda or kool-aid think about this…
Maintain–Don’t Gain During the Holiday Season
During the holiday season – from Thanksgiving through the first of the year – you may have many temptations to overeat. For your health and the health of your family, try to maintain your weight. Here are some tips: Have plenty of fresh cut-up vegetables with low-fat dips on hand. They are high in […]
Sugar and hyperactivity
Give a child a giant pixie stick and what happens? Many people would say, watch out! Refined (processed/added) sugars may have some effect on children’s activity, according to the National Institutes of Health. Refined sugars enter the bloodstream quickly, so they produce rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels. This might trigger adrenaline and make a child more […]
Who pays attention to nutrition labels?
College students — according to a study by Ohio State University Extension’s Dr. Gail Kaye. The findings published this month in the American Journal of Public Health suggest posting labels at the point of food selection change behavior. The average energy (calorie) content of entrees purchased by patrons dropped immediately when nutrition labels were made available and […]
Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Reduce Childhood Obesity
A new report the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation shows that Ohio ranks #15 in rates of Childhood Obesity. That means 33.3% of our children are obese. How can we help change this statistic? One way is to increase the number of fruits and vegetables served to our children each day. Fruits and vegetables are […]