Finding time for family meals can be difficult, but is very important. Make this a time to reconnect with family members and find out what is going on with them. Eating together as a family has been proven to help reduce the chance that your child will get involved with drugs and alcohol. As the […]
Happy Birthday to canned food!
Almost 200 years ago, a British man patented his idea to store preserved food in tincans. Nowadays, there are more than 600 sizes and styles of cans being manufactured. Canned food can be nutritious, convenient, tasty, and cheap. Check out the recipe below for Texas Caviar, a combination of canned items and fresh. Perfect for the […]
Preserve Your Local Harvest
Are you a gardener or just a lover of fresh produce? Extend the season’s bounty by learning more about home-preserving fruits and vegetables. In Ohio, “Freezing and Canning Workshops” are being presented by Ohio State University Extension Educators throughout the state. Find out if there is a workshop near you by checking out local county websites. Search […]
What’s Contributing to Your Salt Intake?
We eat a lot of salt in the US. In fact, data just published say only 1 in 10 adults met their recommendation for sodium intake. The average intake was 3,691 mg, well over the <2,300 mg recommendation set forth by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Too much salt may lead to high blood pressure, […]
Choosing a Fish Oil Supplement
The public is increasingly turning to fish oil supplements as a source of omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of omega-3s include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke while helping to lessen symptoms of high blood pressure, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joint pain, as well as certain skin conditions. Some research has even […]
Safe Summer Grilling – eXtension
It’s the season for graduations, family reunions, and many other outdoor activities. Check out the link below for information on keeping your food safe while cooking outdoors. Safe Summer Grilling – eXtension.