During the cold days of late winter, families often rely on soups and stews as a staple of meal planning. Whether fixing an old family favorite or trying that new recipe you recently found on-line or in a magazine, we often find ourselves with more food than our family needs for one meal. Why not […]
Keeping Your Fresh Produce Food Safety
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 9 million people every year have a foodborne illness caused by a known pathogen. Approximately 46% of those illnesses, or 4.14 million, are attributed to fruits and vegetables. This information can be frustrating in light of the known benefits of eating a wide variety […]
Did You Forget Something This Morning?
Each morning before I leave for work I run through my mental checklist: Did I pack my lunch? Did I feed the cat? Do I have my phone? Did I shut that window? Sometimes the questions on my mental checklist are silly, sometimes they are serious. In either case, they are helpful and remind me […]
Do You “Need” to Eat or Do You NEED to Eat?
I was talking with a co-worker last week about different strategies he’s tried to lose weight. One thing he brought up (which made me beam with excitement!) was that he doesn’t like trying fad diets. Instead, he realizes that he needs to change his eating behavior and overall eating pattern to enjoy long-term, sustained weight […]
Safe, Smart Super Bowl Sunday Snacking
Super Bowl Sunday is a day for friends and family to gather around the television, cheer for favorite teams, enjoy the best new commercials and snack on finger foods. Relaxing and grazing on dips, appetizers and other indulgences is part of the fun, as long as you don’t let time-temperature abuse ruin your party! Here […]
Cleaning Your Freezer
How long has it been since you cleaned your freezer? I mean – take everything out – CLEAN YOUR FREEZER! Whether it is manual defrost or frost-free, it should be cleaned out at least once a year. Follow these steps: Unplug. Place frozen food in cardboard boxes or insulated containers. I like to clean my […]