I have a fellow co-worker whose favorite saying is “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” This piece of advice applies to a wide variety of topics from using expired food to standing on the top of a ladder. In the world of food preservation, we can easily apply this to many techniques that […]
Tips for Freezing Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs are one of the many joys of springtime. They add wonderful, bright flavor to your foods and can make an otherwise colorless food colorful! (Think chives on a baked potato). Whether you’re buying bunches of parsley from the grocery store, or harvesting rows of basil leaves, we all have found ourselves with more herbs […]
Yes? No? Maybe so? Discovering the Truth in Nutrition Information
Let’s talk about eggs for a second. Eggs are full of cholesterol and are probably not heart healthy. But go ahead and enjoy an egg for breakfast each day, as they are an inexpensive and complete source of protein. While you’re enjoying that breakfast you just made, remember that eating an egg is just as […]
Food Safety 101
Food safety has definitely been in the news lately, everything from our favorite ice creams (cfaesnews@osu.edu ) to sharing time in fellowship with a pot luck dinner (http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/story/news/local/2015/04/21/church-picnic-botulism/26135211/ ). With all the concern, how do I make sure that I am providing safe food for my family? Here are a few tips to ensure you […]
Preconception Health: Protecting the health of a baby you might have in the future
We all love babies, right? We gush over how adorable and precious they are – even when they are crying and screaming – because they are just so cute! Today, like many days, I am wearing my “prevention hat.” My “prevention hat” is one of my favorite hats because it is exciting to think about […]
What Should I know about the Listeria Recalls?
Several large Listeria recalls have been in the news lately, so while I know it is a foodborne illness, I’m guessing many of you have the same question. What is Listeria and how do I protect my family? Listeria Listeria is the name of a hardy bacteria found in soil and water and some animals, […]