As many of us take time off to celebrate with our family and friends, it is natural to also think about and want to give to those that are less fortunate than us. Especially in hard times like this, my mind often travels to the children who are hurting around the state, around the nation. […]
Favorite Things…..
The holidays are quickly approaching and I hope that you are looking forward to making memories with family and friends. The season is so much more than just giving and receiving gifts. It’s a time to savor family traditions that can be built upon for the weeks leading up to your family gatherings. There are […]
Coming Home at the End of the Day
How do you feel when you walk through the door at the end of the day? Some days are better than others I’d venture to say, but those moments of re-connecting at the end of the day are so important to how the rest of the evening goes. When you pick up your child at […]
Family Day: A Day to Eat Dinner with your Children
Research shows that family meals are almost magical. Almost every benefit you could want for your child and your family has been shown to be related to the simple act of sitting down without the TV and eating a meal together.
It’s off to college they go…….
It’s that time of year for many young people to spread their wings and test their independence by heading off to college. This is a great transition time for both parents and young adults because the rules will change, the expectations are somewhat unknown and the responsibility factors can be overwhelming. As parents, we are […]
Helping Children Succeed in School- Con’t
Here are some additional resources as we start the new school year from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)… The National Association of School Psychologists has a free tip sheet for parents as their children return to school. Find it here: Mental Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Association) also has some […]