With March around the corner, and in promotion of National Nutrition Month I’d like to encourage involving children of all ages in the kitchen. When we work together as a family to put a meal on the table it helps everyone to have a sense of responsibility. As a part of the family, everyone has […]
Alcohol and The Teeenage Brain
Many teens experiment with alcohol in their high school and early college years. However, when teens experiment, often they engage in more risky drinking behaviors, most notably binge drinking– drinking 5 or more drinks in a short period of time. A recent study found that binge drinking could be affecting the teenage brain in ways […]
In recession, wives winning more of the families’ bread
There is is a new study out showing that in this economic downturn, wives providing a larger percentage of the household income. DURHAM, N.H. – Women’s contributions to family earnings leapt during the first year of the recession, marking the largest single0year increase in the past decade, a new report from the Carsey Institute at […]
What do you want for the New Year?
The New Year brings new opportunities. Sometimes we have great intentions with setting our goals as we turn the calendar pages, but soon fall back into our old habits and find ourselves retracing last year’s steps. Today while you are having a moment to yourself, ask yourself: “What do I really want to do or […]
Is Your Child Ready to be Home Alone?
Some of you may be considering the option of leaving your children home during the summer. This is a big decision with lots of responsibility to consider. Following are a few thoughts for you to think about: *Is your child ready to stay by alone? Can they follow directions? Can they entertain themselves? Are they […]
Thinking of Ohio’s Most Vulnerable
As many of us take time off to celebrate with our family and friends, it is natural to also think about and want to give to those that are less fortunate than us. Especially in hard times like this, my mind often travels to the children who are hurting around the state, around the nation. […]