This time of year is full of holiday meals shared by co-workers, friends, and families. We often put a lot of thought into the types of foods we bring to these gatherings—but what about the beverages?! Low-fat or fat-free milk is a delicious and nutritious beverage to complete your holiday meal. I tried Eggnog Milk […]
Behold – The Magic of One-Pot Wonders
There are a few questions that seem to make my blood pressure rise, my shoulders tense, and my neck do a weird twitch. This is one of them: “Honey, what were your plans for dinner this evening?” My husband asks this question in the sweetest way possible, but it still makes me a little stressed! […]
Should you eat salt from the table or the sea?
Do you ever have a friend that acts a little salty? Maybe it is because they eat too much salt! Okay, okay…enough with the corny jokes. In all reality, many Americans actually do consume too much sodium – even if they don’t act salty. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults and children […]
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut…Sometimes You Want to Devour It!
I found it interesting that February has two holidays devoted to celebrating nuts. That’s kind of nutty, right?! February 16 is Almond Day and February 26 is Pistachio Day. Both of these nuts are some of my personal favorites. Nuts can be part of a healthy diet. Nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which are healthy fats […]
Winter Physical Activity: Don’t Hibernate. Participate!
I love to use my nephews as inspiration for my blog posts. During our holiday celebration, I was pleasantly surprised to hear my six year old nephew say, “Aunt Amy, can we please go on a walk?” What a cool thing to hear a child say! We bundled up and took a walk around the […]
Vow to Trick-or-Treat the Healthy Way
If you participate in the annual beggar’s night festivities, you might find yourself stuck at the store debating over which candy will be the big hit among trick-or-treaters this year. Is it the chocolate candy? Is it fruit-flavored candy? Or maybe it is both? Trying to pick candy can be stressful. Although candy tastes good, […]