Gardening is a great activity for all ages. A garden can be as simple as a few vegetables or herbs growing in containers. It can be as elaborate as built-in raised beds or a large area complete with play spaces including a bean-pole tepee.
Not only is gardening is for everyone, but there are also ways to make it easier and more enjoyable depending on different ages and abilities:
- Gardening with kids? The National Gardening Association has tips for parents gardening with youth as young as toddlers up to pre-teens. Smart Eating For Young Children has an array of topics related to children and food including the benefits of gardening with young children.
- Does limited physical activity or arthritis make gardening challenging? Ohio State University Extension shares tips for gardening with a physical limitation, and the AgrAbility team shares a guide to arthritis and gardening(PDF).
- Don’t know how to garden? Your local Extension office may offer classes or resources, or you can contact the Ohio State University Extension “Ask a Master Gardener.”
In addition to growing vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs, many other themes make gardening an enjoyable intergenerational project. Grow a rock garden, a pollinator garden or chocolate garden. No, cocoa beans won’t grow in Ohio, but many plants have names, colors or aromas like chocolate. Looking for other Theme Garden Idea Starters(PDF)? In this list, some of the gardens have edible plants, some focus on learning; some are for beautification and most are for sharing. What will you grow this year?