If your house was anything like mine growing up in the teenage years, there were many heated arguments, often over homework, chores, and curfew. Perhaps the issues are different in your house with teens, however, the situation is probably similar. These situations can be very stressful and frustrating (to put it lightly) for both parents […]
Drama! Ohio Girls Face Pressure From Relationships
For all the parents of teenage girls out there, does it seem as if your daughter’s life is constantly filled with DRAMA? They do too! Recently the Women’s Fund of Central Ohio commissioned a study of over 2,000 girls with diverse backgrounds, from Central Ohio. The girls ranged in age from 5th to 12th grade. […]
Does My Teen Hate Me?
If you are raising a tween or pre-teen that is moving into his or her teenage years you may begin to wonder- who is this child? Certainly he or she is not the child you have known for the last 10-14 years. There are so many things that seem to be changing, one of the […]
Got Teens? Focus on the Strengths
What do you do when your teen brings home a “C” on a test or report card? Do you feel pressure to make sure your child is in on the honor roll and in all the “right” classes? Often times in parenting, especially through the teenage years, it is easy for parents to get overwhelmed […]
Alcohol and The Teeenage Brain
Many teens experiment with alcohol in their high school and early college years. However, when teens experiment, often they engage in more risky drinking behaviors, most notably binge drinking– drinking 5 or more drinks in a short period of time. A recent study found that binge drinking could be affecting the teenage brain in ways […]