It is important for children to learn healthy eating habits for their future health. Parents need to take the lead and set an example of eating a low-fat diet. Too much fat can cause people to become overweight and increase their risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Look at the fat content in […]
Maintain–Don’t Gain During the Holiday Season
During the holiday season – from Thanksgiving through the first of the year – you may have many temptations to overeat. For your health and the health of your family, try to maintain your weight. Here are some tips: Have plenty of fresh cut-up vegetables with low-fat dips on hand. They are high in […]
Who pays attention to nutrition labels?
College students — according to a study by Ohio State University Extension’s Dr. Gail Kaye. The findings published this month in the American Journal of Public Health suggest posting labels at the point of food selection change behavior. The average energy (calorie) content of entrees purchased by patrons dropped immediately when nutrition labels were made available and […]