Hallelujah, it’s time for the sweet fruits of summer! Cantaloupe, or “muskmelon,” is a special treat this time of year. The harvest season for cantaloupe is actually June through October, but locally they are peak from mid-July to mid-August. Cantaloupes are thought to have originated in Africa. It is a nutritionally dense fruit choice. ¼ […]
Pause, Breathe, Repeat
I keep a bar of moisturizing soap on my desk at work, in my kitchen, my bathroom and with me whenever I travel. I buy it by the ounce. It is made from all natural ingredients including goat’s milk, scented with pure essential oils, and is refreshing spearmint. But all of that is beside the […]
Dealing with Mortgage Troubles
First, remember that financial problems can happen to anyone. A job loss, divorce, or medical problem can cause even the most financially secure people to struggle with financial commitments. Having money trouble doesn’t make you bad, and it’s OK to ask for help. Prioritize your bills and pay your mortgage first. If things have gotten […]
Acidifying Canned Tomatoes & Tomato Products
You’ve heard us say it before – vegetables and other low acidity foods must be canned in pressure canners in order to reach temperatures high enough to kill harmful microorganisms that would otherwise grow. Many consumers typically think of tomatoes as highly acidic foods. However, due to several factors, including ease in harvesting and consumer […]
What’s Your Local Food Story?
I have fond childhood memories of spending a week or two every summer with my grandparents at their home in the country. Their vegetable garden was probably as large as my current back yard. Although they raised meat and it was usually on the menu, the simple summer suppers I remember most clearly only included […]
The Skin I’m In
I may have been born in the skin I’m in, but I’m still learning how to take care of it. Over the years, I’ve adjusted my habits so I can enjoy the bright warmth of the sun without painful, red skin or worse- possibly developing skin cancer. Experience and some education have taught me a […]