Using the natural rays of the sun to make “sun tea” is popular in the summer. Tea is brewed by leaving a clear container with tea in it out is the sun for a few hours. However, using such a method to make tea is highly discouraged. Sun tea is the perfect medium for bacteria […]
Parents change too….
The cool mornings and evenings tell me that fall is just around the corner. Many of us will have changes in our daily schedules very soon, whether it’s getting children ready for the school bus or taking them back to college. Our time as a parent is not just the first 18 or 22 years […]
Specific fiber foods fight cancer
New research has narrowed down some of the most influential high-fiber foods that prevent colon polyps, pouches in the intestines that can lead to colon cancer. What are these cancer-fighting foods? Legumes, brown rice, cooked green vegetables, and dried fruit. The risk of polyps was: * 40% lower among those who ate brown rice at least once […]
The Economics of Poor Health
The Economics of Poor Health Most people sincerely want to do better when it comes to diet, exercise, and wellness. But you are not the only one interested in your health. Others who have a vested interest in you (and your lifestyle choices) are your employers and the government, because health care costs have skyrocketed […]
In search of a Friendlier Food Label…
The Nutrition Facts Label on the back of food packages is getting a makeover! A much needed makeover. As someone who teaches students about how to read nutrition labels correctly, it’s not intuitive or user friendly. There are some important pieces missing, such as the amount of added sugars (that Americans overconsume) and additional essential vitamins and minerals like […]
Use Positive Discipline To Guide Better Behaviors
Recently, spanking has been in the news again. George Holden, a researcher at Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, TX attempting to study yelling in parenting recruited parents from area day care centers and asked them to wear microphones in their house in the evening for 5 days. In these recordings there were multiple incidences of […]