In everyday life, we’re surrounded by information that has to do with money. Turn on the TV or radio, pick up a newspaper or magazine, search the web or look at social media sites…information is everywhere. How do we know what is credible and worth our attention? First, catch your breath…start by evaluating where you […]
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): What is in it for me?
Farmer’s markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. Farmer’s markets are also a favorite weekly ritual for many shoppers. One popular alternative to farmer’s markets is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). What is a CSA? The basic definition of a CSA is a food production and distribution system that directly […]
Handling Eggs Safely
In the next couple of weeks you may be planning or participating in events that use hard cooked dyed eggs. This could be an egg hunt or simply for decoration. Take the following precautions from USDA to keep eggs safe to eat. When dyeing eggs, after hard cooking them, dye them and return them to […]
Wow – Who would have thought the “Five Second Rule” of Food Safety was real!
Have you heard of the “Five Second Rule”? Honestly I thought it was something my in-laws invented. The way it goes is – you drop food on the floor and if you pick it up right away – you can still eat it. Now, while many of us would just throw the food away, new […]
Quick Meals for Busy Families
It is that time of year again – baseball teams are forming, soccer balls are flying, the year-end dance recital is a few weeks away, and the school year is beginning to wrap up with plays and music programs. How can busy families serve something quick, that doesn’t break the bank, and is fairly nutritious? […]
How Safe is Your Cutting Board?
Food safety begins long before you begin actual food preparation. Recently I’ve been teaching a series of classes on food preservation and one of the very first topics discussed is cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen counters, cutting boards and other utensils. While there has been and continues to be debate of whether a wooden or […]