In our household, between the end of November and the beginning of January not only do we celebrate the national holidays like Thanksgiving and New Years’ we also celebrate five family birthdays! As nice as it is to spend time with family and celebrate all these milestones, it adds a lot of extra planning, shopping and cooking to the weekly schedule. I want my family to know just how special they are not only on their birthdays but also at holiday celebrations and I work hard to make sure I don’t set up expectations of perfection for this time of year. As much as I enjoy looking through magazines or new postings on Pinterest, our house and meals don’t all have to be perfect! Here’s a list from a “Less Stress Holiday” handout that I like to use for this time of year:
Take one step at a time
- Those around you will appreciate more time with a relaxed you – the best “present” you can give is your unruffled presence.
- Honesty counts. Be frank about your needs verses wants when it comes to spending and shopping, eating and exercise or extra holiday activities.
- Rank the “to do” list from most to least important. Cross off the less important activities to increase enjoyment of the more important interests.
- Take Ten. Take a ten minute break, a ten minute nap, or a ten minute walk.
Holiday foods can be healthy foods
- Eating meals together can offer nourishment, health, communication, and loving connections. Relax and enjoy the company as much as the food.
- Make new family favorites. Try a healthier version of your most often used recipes. Increase nutritional benefits by adding more fruits, vegetables or whole grains or decreasing the amount of sugar, salt or fat.
- Be choosy with high calorie drinks, snacks, desserts and other holiday foods. It’s OK to enjoy edible delights. It’s also smart to use a smaller plate, only select half a serving or share a dessert with a loved one.
- Slow down and enjoy your foods. To get the most pleasure and flavor, savor your bites.
“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity” Oprah Winfrey
- Take the time to plan menus, shopping lists and event calendars. The investment of planning time is worth it. I ask my family “what one activity do you want to make sure you do during the holiday season?” and “what is one recipe you want to make sure is on the menu?”
- Let the calendar or PDA do their job. Don’t forget to add “me” time, “down” time or “break” time.
- Expand your stress management tool kit. If one stress reliever doesn’t work, try the next one.
- Create a benefit record. Imagine the things that bring you delight and have the list ready as a reminder in stressful times.
Enjoy holiday events, just don’t overdo it
- Some indulgence is OK, but also practice balance. Balance your food choices, spending and time commitments. Budgeting is not only for money, but also for calories, time and energy.
- Get plenty of rest, eat healthy meals and snacks, and keep up usual routines for exercise.
- Connect with others. Identify someone as a stress reduction partner who can be a call or text away.
Make healthy choices that fit your lifestyle so you can do the things you want to do
- Follow this advice for kids: Balance your day with food and play. Fit in exercise and make use of playfulness as well as your funny bone.
- Virtually any form of exercise, physical activity or body movement can be a stress reliever. Try something new.
- Not only does physical activity help reduce stress, it also helps balance out the common increase in holiday calories.
- When choosing gifts for others, look for items to promote a healthy lifestyle like exercise equipment, healthy cook-books or magazine subscriptions, a fresh fruit basket or home canned foods.
Information compiled from Mayo Clinic, Eat Right Montana, and Ohio State University Extension.
Author: Patrice Powers-Barker, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension.