I love taking trips to new places and enjoying the scenery, the people, the food and the fun. When I take a trip, I spend a lot of time planning. I want to know the best route to travel, the restaurants recommended by locals, and the sites I want to see. While there I look at my notes and make changes to the plan, if necessary, so that I can have the most enjoyable vacation possible. Once I return home, I share pictures with friends, think about what I missed, and determine if I want to go back in the future or if I want to plan a whole new adventure.
Choosing to eat healthfully, for me, is much the same. It is a journey, one day at a time; sometimes one meal at a time, where time spent planning is often very well spent. I know that I need to track my food intake and make changes along the way to keep my overall diet in check. Even as a dietitian, the task of listing my food choices on paper or in a phone app, keeps me on track for a healthier life. If you could also benefit from a food diary take a look at the following tips, and join my on my voyage to a lifetime of improved health.
Tips for planning and keeping track of the food you eat:
- Set some goals for your health. Do you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol level or decrease the amount of sodium you eat?
- Determine what steps will help you to reach those goals. Do you need assistance from a dietitian or a reputable website?
- Make a list of what you need to start your journey. Do you need to shop for fresh fruits and veggies(PDF) or lowfat dairy foods, lean proteins, and whole grains? Maybe you could use a buddy to walk with or hold you accountable to your plan.
- Set yourself up for success. Stock your pantry, choose a food diary format (an App, a cute diary, or a plain notebook), and write a note in your calendar or post a reminder on your fridge to begin your food intake recording.
- Plan what you will eat the next day. If I wait till the end of the day to see how I did with my food choices, I often do poorly. I find greater success by planning what I will eat ahead of time.
- Make changes as necessary. As you see something that isn’t working, make a change. If you planned on having oatmeal, but the snooze alarm kept you from having time to prepare it, have a back-up plan ready. If breakfast is always a trouble spot, think about portable snacks you can take with you on the drive or into the office.
- Celebrate the small things. Reward your self for taking the time to track your meals and snacks by indulging in a funny sitcom or pick up a new flavor of coffee beans or tea from the local café when you have tracked consistently for a week or two
The above tips are just a few ways to begin one habit that will help you manage a healthy lifestyle. Please feel free to share your tips as well. As you travel this path to better health, don’t forget to enjoy the beautiful moments all around us.