Research has shown time and again that eating meals together as a family has many benefits(PDF) . . . but the reality is that it can be hard to get the family together every day for a meal. Here are a few suggestions that can help you keep meal preparation simple, leaving more time to enjoy dinners together.
Make Time. The shared meal does not have to be dinner. It could be breakfast or lunch. Your family may choose to coordinate the meal around what’s happening each day or keep the meal at a fixed time and plan schedules accordingly.
Put everyone to work. Each family member can help prepare the meal and clean up with age-specific tasks.
Use the microwave. Cooking or reheating veggies in the microwave instead of boiling on the stove can help them keep their color, texture, nutrients and flavor. It can also save you some clean-up if you heat them in a serving dish.
Stock the essentials. Always keep the ingredients for a few tried and true “everything from the pantry” meals. Hearty vegetables like potatoes, carrots, onions and cabbage are great starters and will last for weeks when stored in a cool, dry place.
Tickle your taste buds. Consider stocking a few condiments, such as barbecue sauce, fruit preserves, garlic, herbs, spices and olive oil, to add flavor to simple meals. Put an emphasis on using fewer ingredients that have a larger impact on flavor. Rubbing a simple mixture of spices on meats before cooking adds big flavor in minutes for last minute meal prep.
Enjoy spending time together as a family. The impact of sharing simple meals together is so much more than just calories consumed.