Unsure about the correct temperature to cook chicken? Or the safety of the eggs you left sitting out on the counter last night? Call on the expertise of Ohio State’s Food Safety Hotline at 1-800-752-2751 (toll-free in Ohio) or email at foodsafety@osu.edu. Questions e-mailed to the address will automatically go to the trained students answering hotline […]
Fall Produce
Now is a great time of year to provide more fruits and vegetables for your children. We are fortunate to have many farm markets in Ohio. Or, you may have fruits and vegetables in your own back yard. Fruits and vegetables in season are inexpensive to provide for your family. Fall is the […]
Finding “Added” Sugars in Food
The nutrition science has pointed to added sugar in the diet as a problem for a long time (linking it to high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and obesity), but until yesterday, there was no set amount that was recommended. How much is too much? 2 cookies or 5 cookies a day? 2 can of […]
And the winner is…
Thank you to everyone who shared their idea for how they help their family eat well, save money, and build healthy relationships! We had fun reading your responses! Check back often for future contests! Marcia is the winner of the $25 gift card to Buckeye Corner. Marcia’s winning post: “I find that planning a rough menu […]
Millions of children not getting enough vitamin D
A new study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows what many experts suspected…children in the US are not getting enough vitamin D. Overall, 9%, representing 7.6 million US children and adolescents, were vitamin D deficient and 61%, representing 50.8 million US children and adolescents, had insufficient vitamin D stores. Children who drank milk […]
Nutrition for Athletes and Others
Football…soccer…volleyball…fall sports can keep you and your child busy. Take time to provide your child with good nutrition. Give your child a balanced diet every day, including breakfast. Make sure they are physically active everyday, not just during their sports practice or event. Make sure they have plenty of sleep. A good night’s […]