I have recently found myself enthralled in a new dating relationship. Starting a new relationship has its challenges, at times it is fun and exciting and at times it is just awkward. But as I, and others dive into this new dating adventure, it is important to be aware and reminded of what a healthy relationship looks like, no matter if it is staring a new relationship or in a long term relationship. What makes a relationship a healthy relationship? This is a tricky question. Many of us may be able to point out what an unhealthy relationship looks like (i.e. controlling, abusive, etc.) but healthy relationship qualities may be harder to define.
At loveisrespect.org, a site supported through the Department of Health and Human Services, you can view some tips to building and maintaining a healthy relationship.
Speak Up. Communication is a major key in relationships. Many times relationships break down due to a break in communication. Don’t hold in things that are bothering you. Things left unspoken can lead to much bigger problems in the future. Talk about it!
Respect Each Other. Each partner’s feelings and ideas have value, it’s important to make sure both sides are being heard and listened to and not being disregarded or brushed off.
Compromise. It’s natural to have disagreements with others, but it is important to work on making compromises from time to time. Try to solve conflicts in a rational way.
Be Supportive. Take time to encourage one another in whatever is going on, be it at work or starting a new hobby. Let each other know when you need their support. Keep in mind that relationships are meant to build people up, not tear people down.
Respect Each Other’s Privacy. Being in a relationship doesn’t require you to constantly be together, healthy relationships need space once in a while. This also includes privacy from others, not everyone needs to hear about every aspect of what goes on in your relationship, and some things should be private to the relationship itself.
Of course there is no magic formula for creating a healthy relationship, however taking these tips to heart, may help your relationship in the future become stronger.